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Photo of Daniel Bartholomew-Poyser
Saturday Classics

Appalachian Spring & Brahms' Double Concerto

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Thanks for the support from

Manitoba Chamber Orchestra

Dinuk Wijeratne: Polyphonic Lively
Johannes Brahms: Concerto for Violin, Violoncello, & Orchestra, Double Concerto
Franz Joseph Haydn: Symphony No.39
Aaron Copland: Suite from Appalachian Spring

Making his debut performance with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, national and international guest conductor Daniel Bartholomew-Poyser takes the orchestra and audiences on an exciting symphonic ride. The adventure features Haydn’s “tempesta de mare”, or “storm at sea,” and Aaron Copland’s poignant, spiritual and joyful masterpiece, Suite from Appalachian Spring.

For this concert, WSO’s concertmaster, Gwen Hoebig and principal cellist Yuri Hooker will be the featured soloists in Johannes Brahms’ gorgeous Concerto for Violin, Violoncello and Orchestra, where the composer has created an exquisite interplay between violin and cello. As colleagues for many years, who know each other’s style so well, Gwen and Yuri are an ideal pair for this performance.

This exciting concert starts with Dinuk Wijeratne’s dynamic and energetic Polyphonic Lively.


Performing Artists

Also in Saturday Classics