Volunteer Committee for the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
Passions for a Purpose
The Volunteer Committee for the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra has been volunteering and supporting the WSO for over 75 years. If you’ve been to a performance, you’ve already seen these lovely folks working hard to fundraise for our organization through the sale of their stunning, one-of-a-kind creations.
The Volunteer Committee is a membership team dedicated to:
- Promoting community interest in the WSO
- Organizing & implementing activities to financially support the WSO
- Supporting the community outreach & educational programs at the WSO
- Increasing series subscriptions & donations to the WSO
Getting Involved
Click below for more information and to download the application form.
Please send your completed form to The Volunteer Committee for the WSO, 555 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1C3.

Are you interested in joining the Volunteer Committee for the WSO? If you would like to:
- Make a difference
- Enjoy a challenge
- Meet new friends
- Build our team
- Promote our symphony
Then you should register for a Volunteer Committee membership!
Please note: There is a $40.00 annual fee for membership.
The Volunteer Committee for the WSO
Slate of Officers 2024/25
- President: Arlene Skull*
- Vice-President: Shirley Walker
- Secretary: Agnes Bailey*, Margaret Harvie*, Magdeliene Nishimura*
- Treasurer: Judy Batten
- Co-Treasurer: Magdeliene Nishimura
- Past President: Urlene Edwards
- Communications
- Co-Chair: Margaret Kellermann McCulloch
- Co-Chair: Paul McCulloch
- Membership: Ilana Warner*
- Education Chair: Eva Lavallee
- Programs/Projects:
- Co-Chair: Arlene Skull
- Co-Chair: Iris Abraham
- Photographer: Assigned per event
- Music Stand Chair:
- Susan Richardson
- Kathy Hill
- Archives: Agnes Bailey
- Nominating Committee Chair:
- Urlene Edwards
- Agnes Bailey
- Lesia Peet
Administrative Assistants
- Email: Margaret Kellermann McCulloch
- Postal: Agnes Bailey
- Telephone: Janet MacPhail
Note: * new to the position for 2024/25